Once again, you had the opportunity to become familiar with the Hindi learning platform and celebrate its creation, this time in the Raczyński Library in Poznań. On Saturday, November 18, we presented e-Hindi there and introduced you to the world of Indian curiosities, all with excellent artistic performances. We are glad that so many of you came and actively participated in the attractions. It was both exciting and joyful. Those who couldn’t be with us can see the event fragments here.
In the beginning, Mandar Purandare, a co-author of the course, welcomed everybody musically in Indian tones. Then, Prof. Monika Browarczyk and Prof. Krzysztof Stroński from Adam Mickiewicz University, and Łukasz Pelc, IT Director at Grupa AF, talked about the platform and its development and displayed a presentation on it.

You could also hear interesting lectures about why Polish and Hindi are relatives, why Indian gods needed many hands, and why India is a multilingual country.

You also had the opportunity to try using the e-Hindi platform.

The meeting was full of engaging activities, such as learning words in Hindi and dancing – please find the videos below.
These are only selected points of the program. Still, we hope they encouraged you to come to the last meeting in the series, inaugurating the Hindi learning platform, which will take place this Saturday, November 25, at the Asia and Pacific Museum in Warsaw from 11.00. You’re welcome! Free entrance!