A day with e-Hindi at the Manggha Museum in Kraków

We will soon complete work on the Hindi learning platform and are already starting a series of meetings where we will present it in more detail. Last Saturday, November 4, 2023, at the Manggha Museum in Kraków, you had the opportunity to participate in the first of three autumn events promoting the platform. The subsequent events will be in Poznań and Warsaw.

During the meeting, Professor Monika Browarczyk and Professor Krzysztof Stroński from Adam Mickiewicz University talked about the e-Hindi platform’s contents, appearance, and how to use it.

Professors Krzysztof Stroński and Monika Browarczyk are presenting the platform
Professor Krzysztof Stroński is presenting the platform, on the slide there are logos of Adam Micvkiewicz University, Grupa AF, Indology in Poznań, e-hindi, Norway Funds, The Foundation for Development of Education System. In the middle, a map of India with its administrative division, and a sitting yogi on the right
Professor Browarczyk is presenting a selected dialogue from the platform

Łukasz Pelc, IT director of Grupa AF, explained how we applied modern technologies while constructing the platform so that it operates effectively.

Director of IT, Łukasz Pelc, is presenting technical issues of constructing the platform
The director of IT, Łukasz Pelc, is presenting the graphics created by Grupa AF graphic designers

Very interesting were the workshops, during which people had the unique opportunity to learn how to say a few words in Hindi.

In addition, the participants learned many curious facts related to the language and culture of India, including the multitude of languages used in India and the connection between Polish and Hindi. They also listened to the story about Hindu gods and found out why they have many hands and heads. The travelers who shared their trip to India also attracted the participants’ attention.

Professor Krzysztof Stroński is talking about the mutitude od languages in India, is showing slides about it
Ms Natalia Świdzińska is explaining why Indian gods have many hand and heads

The musicians and dancers made the event more attractive with their artistic performances. You could admire Bollywood dances and listen to classical Indian music. It was colourful and cheerful but also atmospheric and charming.

A big slide with a caption "A day with ehindi", a drawing of Taj Mahal and a sitting yogi. In front of it two musicians are sitting and playing Indian instruments.
A dancing woman and a man with an Indian instrument
Three woman in colourful costumes are dancing, a man dancing behind them, in the background the audience watching them.

As you can see, a lot was happening, and those present had a lovely time. Let us remind you that the event was open to everyone, and those who could not be with us in Kraków will have the opportunity to participate in the following events: in Poznań on November 18 and Warsaw on November 25. We cordially invite you! It’s really worth it!

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