HINDI for you

Working together for a green competitive and socially inclusive Europe
Website of the project “Hindi for You”
In accordance with the Information and Communication requirements of the EEA Financial Mechanism and the Norwegian Financial Mechanism for the period 2014-2021 (Funds), this page presents the Project “Hindi for You”, supported by the Funds, to raise awareness of the existence of the Funds, their objectives and results.
We present information on the subject of the project, its creators, partners and financing. In addition, during the course of the project we will post information about its progress and events related to it in the “News” section.
Summary report on the “Hindi for You” project
We present the report summarizing the work on the “Hindi...
LEARN MOREThe E-HINDI platform is now available to users
We are pleased to announce that the E-HINDI platform has...
LEARN MOREE-hindi at the Asia and Pacific Museum in Warsaw
The meeting with the e-Hindi platform on Saturday, November 25,...

The “Hindi for You” project is financed from the EEA Funds under Component III: EDUCATION PROGRAMME, “Institutional cooperation to improve the quality and matching of vocational education and training (VET) and vocational lifelong-learning”.

The ‘Hindi for You’ project benefits from a grant of EUR 165610,00 received from Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway under the EEA funds. The “Hindi for You” project aims to reduce economic and social disparities within the EEA in the area of education.