E-Hindi celebrates the Yoga Day in Wrocław

On June 18, 2023 Monika Browarczyk from the E-HINDI team (AMU) presented the E-HIDNI platform for self-learning Hindi at the Yoga Day at the Botanical Garden in Wrocław. This event was a part of Poland’s celebrations of the International Yoga Day, declared by the United Nations in 2014 and celebrated worldwide on June 21. Yoga enthusiasts, who often travel to India to learn and practice yoga there, may be interested in learning Hindi on a self-learning platform.

About eighty participants of the event

The participants of the Yoga Day gathered at the Botanical Garden in Wroclaw watched a presentation about the potential of the E-HINDI platform and took part in a Hindi language workshop, where they learned some basic expressions in Hindi, were informed why the Devanagari syllabary is exceptional and learned to decipher some Indian gestures.

A collage of two photos with the presentation of the e-hindi platform

The Masakali dance group made the event more appealing presenting choreography to a few Bollywood hits and demonstrating gestures used in classical Indian dances.

A collage of two photos with Indian choreography performance
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